Welcome!! This is my second article in a three-part mini-series on bearing the fruit of love. In my last post, we discussed the importance of obeying God’s command to love Him and love others. If you missed it, read it HERE before scrolling down. Today’s post will focus on the attributes of love as I answer the question,… Read More
Fruit of the Spirit
Love is a Command: Not a Suggestion
Since becoming a follower of Jesus Christ, the most crucial lesson that I have learned, I am learning, and will continue to learn, is how to love God and love others. A few years ago, I wrote an article on how God’s love for us empowers us to love others. In the article, I primarily discussed God’s love for… Read More
Goodness: A Fruit of the Spirit
Article, written by my friend and ministry partner Today, I’m sharing an article written by my friend and ministry partner who chooses to remain anonymous. Using Scriptures, she teaches us what goodness is, and the importance of obeying God’s command to be good always. Before I got born again, I was not naturally inclined to be good in… Read More
Cultivating the Fruit of Joy: 5 Key Biblical Principles
CULTIVATING THE FRUIT OF JOY How’s your joy? What’s the reading on your joy meter? Have you allowed circumstances to drain you of joy? Or, as Scripture commands, are you deliberately yielding to the Holy Spirit instead of negative, shifting emotions? Today, I’m sharing an article written by my friend and ministry partner here on Beautiful… Read More
Growing and Cultivating the Fruit of Gentleness
Article written by my dear friend, Christi Halteman “The fruit of the Spirit is . . . gentleness”—Galatians 5:22-23 NASB “Let your gentleness be evident to all.”—Philippians 4:5 NIV What is Gentleness? I used to consider myself a gentle person. At least, that’s how others described me, and I agreed. I figured I must be gentle because I… Read More
Abiding in Christ: The Key to Bearing Fruit
Abiding in Christ: Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5: 22-25 … Read More